By: Peregrine
You find yourself in an odd base, the G-man assures you that you aren't in Black Mesa. If you look out the window something is odd about it, you can't put your finger on what, though. As if the window was really a painting. During your stay in this base, you live in a dull, rusty cell, which looks more like a prison cell than some personal quarter. You swear you hear odd alien sounds from outside your cell, sometimes, you hear strange groans and other things. It almost feels like you are on some type of spaceship, every once and a while the place will shake, lights will flicker, and even gravity lessen. The Brief-case toting guy's employers are wanting Black Mesa to take care of itself, but it seems more and more aliens have gotten a stronghold on the base, their terraforming projects making it look more like Xen than Earth. Your mission is to find an abandoned nuclear device and arm it. Once you are teleported out at a mission success, the Black Mesa will crumble before the power of the nuke, eliminating the aliens and their inter-dimensional portal. One nuke has already been detonated, the Gman tells you, by one Adrian Shepherd, and you must activate the second one to close the portal. "You took the job offer, remember. It sssseems aliens have sssseiged the base, but the Marinessss are there trying to ssssstop them, but they do not know where the abandoned nuclear device issss. You will be sssent down into the half of the base not affected by the first nuclear explosion. Look out, for the marinessss do not know why you are here and the aliensss are trying to kill you as well. But don't worry, you have accomplisshed many great thingsss, and I am sure you can end this Infessstation. You must succeed, or.. our plans will be ruined... Good day, Mr. Freeman, I will sssee you up ahead." After a brief blackness, you wake up staring at your battered HEV suit. So, you strap on your HEV suit and step in the teleporter. While the teleporting sequence initiates you hear the G-man say quietly, "You had better"
Taille: 5,447,374 octets
Date de l'acquisition: 2006-01-24
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