Clean the aliens out of the lounge!
Author: Mike Warren (aka PieGnome when playing Half-Life online)
Filename: lounge.bsp
Description: This level is some sort of lounge area. Obviously, a few of those friendly little guys from xen have been teleporting in and killing everyone. Gordon is taking a break and happens to come across the mess in progress.
Thanks to: Jason Hobbs (he made the sound system prefab wich I downloaded from a place I can't remember)
Construction Info
Base: Made from scratch (sounds like this is a recipe or something)
Editor Used: Worldcraft 2.0 of course
Known bugs: Uum...I know I worked out a few...not to sure if there's anymore.
Build time: I forget...way too long though.
More info
Just to let you know, this is the first map of any kind that I've made for any game, so be a bit forgiving for flaws. I know the level is short, but I didn't have the time to make some massive, ultra detailed thing, so this is all you get. As for the end of the stage, those beams are supposed to transport you to Xen. I've yet to make the Xen level. It's possible I may never make it, but you never know.
Taille: 129,937 octets
Date de l'acquisition: 2009-09-15
# maps: 1

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