By: Tim Johnston
Mr Freeman has once again been "recruited" by the elusive and stone-faced g-man
to handle a "situation' that could prove catastrophic if not handled immediately.
It seems that a rift in the space-time continuum has allowed the minions of Xen
to establish a stronghold inside one of the main reactor cores in the Lambda Complex.
Somehow they have figured out a way to tap directly into the complex's nuclear
power grid. They are using this energy to continually widen the rift to allow
more and more of the Xen inhabitants into our world. That's bad.
Oh, did I mention that the military has been instructed to keep a lid on this
situation by eliminating ANYONE with knowledge of it? That's worse.
Its Gordon's job to establish power to the test lab, then find his way to the
reactor complex via the waste tunnels connecting the two. Once inside, he's got
to find his way to the interior cores of the reactors and shut them down.
You'll need to keep your wits about you...
You'll need to trust your instincts...
You'll have to rely on your GUT REACTION!
Good luck Gordon.
Taille: 5,255,965 octets
Date de l'acquisition: 2006-01-24
# maps: 11

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