By: ProMagnoN
::: STORY LINE (HEH) :::
What a party, eh! Those barneys sure know how to throw one, and the
antics of that professor, what was his name? The one with the mustache?
Ah who cares, anyways, hell of a party, and then some. Of course, most of
it lies quite dead in your memory, as you blacked out somewhere halfway, a
short while after someone brought in some home made drinks, created in his
lab while the supervisor wasn't looking, then kept running under pretense of
biological experiments! Applejack, that's for sure!
Now its The Next Morning. You vaguely remember someone shaking you and shouting
about an appointment at the Anomolous Materials lab. After having ignored them
for long enough they left grumbling something about having to find someone else
to do it.
You wake up with a sudden awful realisation that it's the building, not your
stomach rumbling, and all hell seems to have broken loose. You hop off your
bunk in the dormatories level of the 'pylon 4' tower which you have a room in,
and head off to investigate...
Well, this 'episode' is what might have happened if you, Gordon Freeman,
did not in fact wake up slightly late for the Experiment but in fact, didn't
wake up until MUCH LATER, finding all hell broken loose, since someone ELSE
had executed the ill fated experiment instead...
Size: 1,818,211 bytes
Date acquired: 2005-07-27
# maps: 8

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